Deck : Giga Ziel Cannon

Deck : Giga Ziel Cannon (ปืนใหญ่ ไฮโดรปั๊ม)

Gigas Ziel Cannon Deck List (40)

1 Gishki Chain
2 Gishki Beast
3 Gishki Abyss
3 Gishki Shadow
3 Gishki Vision
2 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hand
2 Tragoedia
3 Gishki Zielgigas
3 Evigishki Levianima
1 Evigishki Soul Ogre

3 Gishki Aquamirror
1 One Day of Peace
3 Salvage
2 Moray of Greed
3 Forbidden Dress (or other Anti-Spell/Trap)
2 Forbidden Lance (or other Anti-Spell/Trap)
3 Upstart Goblin

Extra Deck(only must have)
* Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max

Comment : Try this with Trade-In


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