Deck : Blue-Eyes

Deck : Blue-Eyes (เนตรสีคราม นางงามมังกร)

Blue-Eyes Deck List (40)

Monsters (20)
2 Alexandrite Dragon
3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
2 Debris Dragon
1 Guardian of Order
2 Kaibaman
3 Maiden with Eyes of Blue
1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2 Rider of the Storm Winds
3 The White Stone of Legend
1 Thunder King Rai-Oh

Spells (18)
2 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
3 Cards of Consonance
1 Dark Hole
1 Dragon's Mirror
1 One for One
1 Reinforcement of The Army
3 Silver's Cry
1 Summoner's Art
3 Trade-In
2 Wonder Wand

Traps (2)
2 Castle of Dragon Souls

Extra Deck (15)
1 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
1 Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
1 Five-Headed Dragon
2 Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
2 Black Rose Dragon
1 Star Eater
1 Felgrand the Divine Dragon Knight
1 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
1 Number 46: Draggluon the Ethereal Dragon
1 Number 54: Lion Heart
1 Number 83: Galaxy Queen
1 Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo
1 Slacker Magician

Note : 
- TCG (September 2013) Banlist Format
- Side Deck is not my official for match dueling
- By user : oFrEeDoMo


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