Deck : Blackwing

Deck : Blackwing (เจ้าพ่อปักษา ไก่กาทมิฬ)

Blackwing Deck List (40)

Monsters (20)
2 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
3 Blackwing - Bora the Spear
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
3 Blackwing - Galut the Moon Shadow
1 Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak
3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
3 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
1 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Meklord Emperor Wisel

Spells (12)
1 Allure of Darkness
3 Black Whirlwind
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Pot of Duality

Traps (8)
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
3 Icarus Attack
1 Solemn Warning
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck (15)
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Blackwing Armed Wing
2 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Vulcan the Divine
1 Lavalval Chain
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle

Note : 
- TCG (September 2013) Banlist Format
- Side Deck is not my official for match dueling
- By user : oFrEeDoMo


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